Welcome to the great library of conquests, which was written by His Holiness Sayyid Muhammed Ruhi with the favor of Allahu Zulcelal.The library, which contains the books written so far in the fields of Sufism, Science, Wisdom and Bets, not only offers you a new perspective, but also offers you ideas and practices that you can improve in every field of your life.The Fütuhat Library, which is expanding day by day with each new book, reveals many flaws in human search for meaning and explains that science is a seed that comes from the essence of truth.What is Futuhat?Fütuhat is the duty of the Ummah Muhammed Aleyhisselatü Vesselam in closing an era and opening another.The gates of Fütuhat, bestowed by Almighty God, have chased each other throughout history, both materially and spiritually. Major changes in history started with scientific wisdoms declared under the guidance of spiritual leaders, according to the needs of the time.The main element that distinguishes the Futuhats from the normal books is that this information is naturally unheard of before and even superstitious.If the mind is subject to the soul, it lags behind time.The flow of words that can go beyond time, on the other hand, flows from the springs of wisdom and brings together the divine blessings and blessings in every era.The grace of Allah Almighty, the help of the Messenger of Allah, Hz. The knowledge of the Prophet Ali and Hz. These states, which develop with the meditation of Pir Abdulkadir Geylani, flow from the heart to the tongue and from there to the paper.The persons who are responsible for informing the humanity of the stable path in every change of era are responsible and responsible for declaring these conquests.As every conquest is a new beginning, they are great sciences taken from a spiritual library that was presented according to the principles of the Quran Azimusan and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah.The fact that these sciences can speak in all technological, scientific, material and spiritual fields is one of the miracles of the unity inherent in the Quran.It is the blessing of Sunnati Saniyye that brings the values that have been missed or changed in life to their original taste.This journey to address the whole world in different languages with more publications and content means developing new opportunities for the Western World to meet this wisdom as well as the content it offers to the Islamic World.Now you can become a member of this library for yourself and your loved ones, and you can benefit from this rich content in audio and in writing.